My Personal Statement on NijiPop Culture Festival

Event Setup Media by Sinemun Rolls

I sincerely apologize for the events that unfolded before, during, and after the NijiPop Culture Festival.

This statement has taken time for me to create and publish as I had to manage all of the logistics tasks and paperworks required post-event. I am the only core team member left to manage everything aside from the talent-handling. This also applies to emails, social media pages, and more. 

First, I will reassure participants towards which NijiPop has a remaining obligation concerning refunds that the first tranche has already been allocated and will be prepared for disbursement this June 30, 2024 as agreed upon. More details and updates will be promptly communicated on and through your emails.

Second, I will clear up speculation that concerns the talents. Initially, Jan wanted the talents to be featured at an event in Cebu City. The event then grew in scope when we got international guests to attend the event. The event is not for a certain talent only. There was no special treatment to a specific talent and there was no main talent or guest for the event. All talents were treated equally by the staff. Furthermore, I never have spoken ill of any of the talents. I hold respect for them as creators. Talent experience did not come out of the NijiPop budget, but rather the personal favors and finances from BLN and Jan.

By changing venues, we were able to cut down rental costs, but unfortunately with the venue change came the withdrawal of core organizing members whose faith had been shaken upon community feedback.

Our operating costs also ballooned with unplanned expenses. I was not able to think far ahead and estimate the potential costs hidden in plain sight.

We were down to just 4 active core team members out of 12. Some left with notice, some without notice. I was not quick enough to both assess the potential risks, and tried to solve issues simultaneously resulting in decreased communications.

Small issues cascaded into larger issues, and by the time other team members were updated we had to apply hotfixes ranging from personal finances to government support.

I am fully cooperating with the staff and participants, and holding myself accountable for what happened with NijiPop. I am sorry to those I've hurt, and I will forever be grateful to those who did their best. I realize my best was not enough, and will carry this lesson with me for the rest of my life.